Przedsiębiorstwo Usług Naukowo Technicznych Pro Novum Sp. z o.o.

Przedsiębiorstwo Usług Naukowo Technicznych Pro Novum Sp. z o.o.

President of the Board: Jerzy Trzeszczyński

Wróbli 38 ,40-534 Katowice, skrytka: 2130

Phone: 32 203-01-63, 32 203-01-64 Fax: 32 251-87-39 ,
NIP: 634-012-88-25

Business profile:

  • Services.


  • Pro Novum is a limited liability company employing a large group of specialists with multidisciplinary knowledge and wide experience in the domain of inspection, assessment and maintenance of thermomechanical equipment in power plants. We fulfill demand of technical support, servicing and optimal exploitation of the equipment. We plan maintenance strategies and modernizing methods to extend lifetime and efficiency of power equipment and ensure all is done in a safe work environment.
  • We are a regular partner of power plants, repair and supply companies for power equipment in the field of: testing and assessment, repair technologies, revitalizations of cast-steel turbine elements, modernization of power equipment, including main steam piping. Our clients are domestic professional power plants and most industrial and municipal CHP plants. Our expertise is used by insurance companies operating in the domestic energy sector.
  • We carry out tests of the power plant equipment to assess its technical condition and forecasting its further operating period. We prepare technologies for its repair and refurbishment. We optimize the conditions of service in water-and-steam system including calculation of chemical parameter indicator in those systems. We convert our knowledge into designing technologically advanced applications mainly aimed at extending the service of power plant equipment and reduction in maintenance costs.

Additional informations:

  • We present our most important achievements in Pro Novum Bulletin, which is systematically put forth as a supplement to magazine ‘Energetyka’ as well as papers presented during Symposiums and Conferences organized by Pro Novum with its Partners or foreign ones.
  • Introducing new testing methods and technical condition assessment procedures, we have started implementing computer diagnostic systems and providing remote diagnostic service. We have created the LM System PRO+® IT Platform, unique on a European scale, containing a software package supporting the management of the production assets of the power plant and its specialized versions in response to the individual needs of our clients.
  • Our latest projects are diagnostic services enabling remote diagnostic supervision over power equipment supported by the LM Serwis PRO® computer application and recently extended with analysis of flexibility of operation and a comprehensive program for extending the life of 100-360 MW power units up to 350,000 hours including Guidelines for extending the operation of thermo-mechanical equipment, the website and software for monitoring the units condition online, in particular to assess the possibilities of improving flexibility as well as its effects on the device. We are also the authors of an innovative solution that allows conditional operation of damaged elements until they are replaced or repaired.
  • On December 20, 2019, the National Center for Research and Development announced the final list of contractors qualified for Phase III of the ‘Power Units 200+' Program, which aims to develop an innovative technology for changing the working regime of 200 MWe power units. 6 applicants took part in the Program, 5 applicants completed Phase II and 3 applicants have been qualified by the NCBR to the last, III Phase. The Commission awarded Pro Novum the highest number of points. We start work on the real block in January 2020.


  • Certificate No 09 100 82152 DIN EN 9001:2015 issued by TÜV CERT
  • Certificate No 01 98 104 00191 DIN EN 14001:2015 issued by TÜV CERT
  • Certificate No 0198 113 00091 PN-N 18001:2004  issued by TÜV CERT
  • Certificate No LB-003/09-17 stating that Material Testing Laboratory meets the laboratory meets the requirements of the standard for performing laboratory tests
  • ‘Instruction for the examination, measurements and assessment of the technical condition of main steam piping in power plants and thermo-electric plants’ approved by the Office of Technical Inspection.
  • Recommendation No 7/OZW/2017 from the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP)
  • All the experts and other technical staff have qualification certificates authorizing to handle the operation of the equipment, installations and networks in the categories D and E and  qualification certificates for examinations performed accordingly to the EN ISO 9712 standard.

We are a member of the following organizations:

  • Polish Chamber of Power Industry and Environment Protection
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice
  • Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  • Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology
  • VGB PowerTech e.V.
  • Polish Electricians' Association
  • Polish Testing Laboratories Club POLLAB

Decision No 3/Org/2008 issued by the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Poland on 27th October 2008 giving the company the status of Research & Development Center