Dear Madam/Sir

we kindly invite you to the second edition of the webinar: "Polish nuclear power program - preparation of cooperation with the global sector of civil nuclear energy", which will be held on November 16th, 2021, on-line.

The organizer of the webinar is IGEOS under honorable patronagge of the Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Republic of Poland.

The Panelists are the representatives of agencies and institutions connected to the nuclear sector and the compenies already curring out the nuclear projects all over the world.

During the second edition of the webinar, we will focus on the specifications of the nuclear sectors and the difficulties that companies may face in implementing the above-mentioned projects. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the AGENDA

If you are interested in taking part, please register on:

Event is free of charge.

Dear Madam/Sir

we kindly invite you to the second edition of the webinar: "Polish nuclear power program - preparation of cooperation with the global sector of civil nuclear energy", which will be held on November 16th, 2021, on-line.

The organizer of the webinar is IGEOS under honorable patronagge of the Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Republic of Poland.

The Panelists are the representatives of agencies and institutions connected to the nuclear sector and the compenies already curring out the nuclear projects all over the world.

During the second edition of the webinar, we will focus on the specifications of the nuclear sectors and the difficulties that companies may face in implementing the above-mentioned projects. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the AGENDA

If you are interested in taking part, please register on:

Event is free of charge.

Information meetings dedicated to the Polish Nuclear Power Program (PPEJ) starts


We invite you to a webinar presenting the specificity of the civil nuclear energy sector.

The meeting will be held on-line on December 10th, 2020. 

The title: Development of nuclear energy in Poland - local content and global supply chain aspects.

The webinar is dedicated to polish enterprises and aims to present technical, business and organizational issues, technology transfer and recommendations for Poland on the example of global nuclear projects.

Invited experts from companies and industry organizations working for the construction of nuclear power plants from Europe (Finland, Great Britain, France, Belgium), United States of America and International Atomic Energy Agency.

Specific examples, processes and conclusions from the construction of nuclear power station will certainly be useful not only for decision makers but also for local companies as well as for utility and regulator.

Together with world experts, we will discuss how to build supply chain in order to maximize Polish local content in the implementation of the nuclear program in Poland and for global export projects .

Agenda in english.

Participation in the event is free - registration is required via the form at the link

The Polish Chamber of Industry and Environmental Protection nearly from the beginning of its activity supports the organization of Bielsko–Biała International Power Industry Fair ENERGETAB through delegating its expert to work in the Fair Competition Commission and awarding the Chamber’ Cup for “the most outstanding presented product” in the Fair completion as well as through participating in conferences and business meetings that are organized during the event. Also this year IGEOS took the industry patronage over the 33-rd Edition of ENERGETAB 2020

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