ELMONTAŻ Sp. z o.o.

ELMONTAŻ Sp. z o.o.

Chairman of the Board: Marcin Caputa

ul. Księdza Prałata Stanisława Słonki 54 ,34-300 Żywiec

Fax: 33 861 02 40

biuro@elmontaz.pl , www.elmontaz.pl
NIP: 553-22-52-006

General Description of the Company Elmontaż Sp. z o. o

The Company Elmontaż Sp. z o. o with its registered office in Żywiec is the Polish company that has operated dynamically for 40 years in the Polish market. We specialise in construction and designing of the projects in the scope of: power system works, electrical installation works, industrial automation, railway traffic control,  phone wiring (telecommunication) works, illumination, installation of visual monitoring and broadly defined measurements, as well as other accompanying works. We cooperate with construction companies, whose scope of works is supplementary or allows for comprehensive performance of works.

Extensive technical and logistic facilities, aimed for complete servicing of electric,  railway traffic control and phone wiring  works, as well as highly qualified and experienced engineering and technical personnel, 170 employees, with 100% of them employed based on contracts of employment and company management in conformity with the world standards, supported by numerous certificates, allow us to perform works ordered to us with our own productive forces, to obtain high quality of performed tasks and to offer short periods of execution.

The Company Elmontaż Sp. z o. o.  holds such Management System certificates  as: Quality Management ISO 9001: 2015, Occupational Health and Safety Management PN-N 18001:2007, Environmental Management ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 45001:2008, as well as numerous awards: Orzeł Polskiego Budownictwa (Polish Construction Eagle) 2014, Gazela Biznesu (Business Gazelle) XI edition, Gazela Biznesu (Business Gazelle) XVI edition, Duży Przedsiębiorca Ziem Górskich (Large Entrepreneur of Mountain Areas) 2016.