Ecol Sp. z o.o.

Ecol Sp. z o.o.

President of the Board: Wojciech Majka

Podmiejska 71A ,44-207 Rybnik

Phone: +48 32 739 18 30 Fax: +48 32 739 18 29 ,
NIP: 642-000-05-76

Business profile:

Ecol Sp. z o.o., for over 25 years, has been developing technologies related to lubrication engineering and cleaning of industrial installations using hydrodynamic, chemical and explosive technologies. We provide a full range of lubrication services supported by the most up to date oil diagnostics. We are the largest distributor of LOTOS Oil Lubricants for industry.


Lubrication and maintenance service:

  • oil analysis,
  • machine diagnostic based on oil analysis, thermovision, ultrasonic diagnostics and videoendoscopy,
  • lubrication service (replacement and replenishment of lubricants, oil filtration, cleaning and flushing of oil systems, waste disposal and management),
  • lubrication audits,
  • IT projects supporting machinery maintenance,
  • training and consultancy in lubrication area. 

Cleaning services for machines, devices and technological installations:

  • hydrodynamic cleaning and flushing of oil systems,
  • cleaning of rotary air (ROPP / LUVO) and gas (ROSS / GAVO) preheaters,
  • cleaning of turbine condensers and other heat exchangers, pipelines and surfaces cleaning by high pressure water jet up to 3000 bar,
  • chemical cleaning, including chemical removal of deposits from turbine rotors and rotating equipment using active foam,
  • cleaning industrial installations with an explosive technology,
  • industrial vacuum cleaning in explosive areas.

Distribution of lubricants, auxiliary materials and equipment:

  • oils and greases for industry,
    sorbents and agents for neutralization of chemical, protective and conservation contamination as well as aggregates and filtration materials.


Selected domestic references: PGE GiEK S.A., PGE Energia Ciepła, Tauron Wytwarzanie, ENEA Wytwarzanie, ENERGA, Grupa AZOTY, PKN Orlen S.A., Basell-Orlen Polyolefins Sp. z o.o., Valeo Lighting Systems.

Selected foreign references: CEZ a.s. (Czech Republic), Slovenskie Elektrarne a.s. (Slovakia), Energoatom (Ukraine), Rosenergoatom (Russia), PIC (Kuwait), OMV Refinery (Germany).