APS Energia S.A.

APS Energia S.A.

President of the Board: Piotr Szewczyk

Strużańska 14 ,05-126 Stanisławów Pierwszy k. Warszawy

Phone: +48 22 762 00 00 Fax: +48 22 762 00 01

sekretariat@apsenergia.pl , http://apsenergia.pl
NIP: 125-11-78-954

Company profile:

APS Energia is a designer and manufacturer of uninterruptible power solutions and components for energy sector (including nuclear power plants), traction and transport, telecommunications, health care and other industries. The company provides a comprehensive services in terms of design, installations and configurations of equipment, as well as warranty services. APS Energia collaborates with both foreign and domestic research centers and designs individual solutions with the highest parameters available on the market.


APS Energia offers the following products:

  • static converters
  • power systems for tram traction motors
  • rectifiers and buffer power supplies
  • DC/DC converters
  • inverters, UPS
  • power supply systems for asynchronous motors
  • static switches
  • frequency converters
  • active filters
  • power supply supervision systems
  • earth fault control and localization system
  • energy storage
  • fuel cell systems

The company provides comprehensive services: design, assembly, installation, commissioning, warranty and post-warranty service, consulting and training.

Additional information:

The company implemented and certified management systems in accordance with the requirements of: ISO 9001: 2015, ISO / TS 22163: 2017, OHSAS 18001: 2007.

The quality of products and services is confirmed by product certificates issued by: Polish Research and Accreditation Center (Polskie Centrum Badań i Akredytacji), Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich), International Certification Registrar (ICR), Underwriters Laboratories (UL), GAZPROM, ROSATOM, as well as certificates for the compliance of products with GOST standards (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan), the Eurasian Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan , Armenia and Kyrgyzstan) and DSTU (Ukraine).

The company received a license from the Ministry of the Interior and Administration of The Republic of Poland for the production of devices for military and police purposes, as well as the NATO Commercial and Government Entity Code (NCAGE) allowing the sale of products to the armies of NATO countries.

The APS Energia Group includes the following companies: APS Energia SA, OOO APS Energia RUS, APS Energia Caucasus LLC, TOO APS Energia Kazakhstan, APS Energia Czech s.r.o., OOO APS Energia Ukraine, ENAP SA and APS Energia Turk Elektrik Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi . The most important foreign markets for the APS Energia Group are: Eastern Europe (Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Georgia), the European Union (Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Spain, The Netherlands) and world markets (Saudi Arabia, Australia, Turkey, Iraq, South Africa, Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand, Iran, Kuwait, Nigeria, Serbia, Macedonia).


  • Fabryka Pojazdów Szynowych Sp. z o.o.
  • WAGON OPOLE Sp. z o.o.
  • ENEA Wytwarzanie, Kozienice
  • PGNiG S.A. Wytwarzanie:
    - Power Plant Siekierki
    - Power Plant Żerań
    - Power Plant Kawęczyn
  • PGE GiEK S.A .:
    - Power Plant Turów
    - Power Plant Opole
    - Power Plant Bełchatów
  • PGE Energia Ciepła S.A.:
    - Cracow branch
    - Wybrzeże branch
    - Rzeszów branch
    - Gorzów branch
    - Bydgoszcz branch
    - Kogeneracja Wrocław
    - Zielona Góra branch
  • TAURON Ciepło Sp. z o.o.:
    - Power Plant Bielsko Biała
    - Power Plant EC Tychy
    - Power Plant Stalowa Wola
  • RUE - Ostrołęka Power Plant
  • Skawina S.A. Power Plant
  • PSE S.A.
  • PGE Dystrybucja S.A.:
    - Warsaw branch
    - Łódź branch
    - Białystok branch
    - Zamość branch
  • TAURON Dystrybucja S.A.:
    - Wrocław branch
    - Wałbrzych branch
    - Gliwice branch
    - Cracow branch
    - Będzin branch
    - Bielsko Biała branch
    - Częstochowa branch
  • ENERGA Operator S.A. :
    - Gdańsk branch
    - Elbląg branch
    - Koszalin branch
    - Słupsk branch
    - Płock branch
    - Toruń branch
  • ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.:
    - Poznań branch
    - Bydgoszcz branch
    - Szczecin branch
    - Zielona Góra branch
    - Police branch
    - Puławy branch
    - Siarkopol branch
  • ArcelorMittal Poland S.A. / MITTAL Steel Poland S.A
  • PKN Orlen S.A.
  • Anwil S.A.
  • Gaz System Sp. z o.o. (PGNiG S.A. Przesył):
    - Rembelszczyzna branch
    - Wierzchosławice branch
  • Elektrobudowa S.A.
  • ABB Sp. z o.o.
  • ELTEL Networks S.A.
  • Electrum Sp. z o.o.
  • Hoppecke Sp. z o.o.
  • ENERGO SYSTEM S.A. Rzeszów
  • BATER Sp. z o.o.
  • MESTO Automation Polska Sp. z o.o.
  • ENERGOATOM - Riwnieńska AES, Zaporoska AES, Bialobarska AES, Kurska AES
  • GAZPROM - South Stream, Nord Stream