Sesja warsztatów pod kątem wykonywania prac dla energetyki jądrowej
Rozpoczęliśmy kolejną sesję warsztatów pod kątem wykonywania prac dla energetyki
The highest authority of the Chamber is the General Meeting of Member Companies. The Meeting is usually called once a year to evaluate the operations of the past year and to adopt directions for the organization’s activity for the current year. Every 3 years the General Meeting elects the Chamber’s Management Board, the Audit Commission and the Peer Tribunal.
The Management Board sets current directions for the Chamber’s activity by adopting appropriate resolutions and supervises their execution through the Chamber’s Office. The Chamber’s Office established by the Management Board is running current business activity and performing statutory tasks and the course of action adopted by the General Meeting and the Management Board.President
TAURON Polska Energia S.A.
Vice President
Vice President
Uniserv S.A.
Vice President
Veolia Energia Polska S.A.
Transition Technologies S.A.
Firma Jacek Dach
Energoprojekt-Katowice S.A.
Ecol Sp. z o.o.
Siemens Energy Sp. z o.o.
SBB Energy S.A.
Hynfra P.S.A.
GE Power Sp. z o.o.
Chairman of the Commission
Multiserwis Sp. z o.o.
Vice Chairman of the Commission
Energoprojekt- Warszawa S.A.
Chairman of the Tribunal
Pro Novum Sp. z o.o
Vice Chairman of the Tribunal
Chemar Rurociągi Sp. z o.o.
BIRETA Profesjonalne Tłumaczenia Kempińska & Woźniakowska Sp. J.
General Director
+48 601 363 225
Deputy General Director
+48 784 422 110
Administration and Projects Specialist
+48 22 102 22 10
Project Manager
+48 570 430 227
Senior Project Specialist
+48 537 212 171
Junior Project Specialist
+48 534 389 906
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